- My self worth is not rooted in the ounces of breast milk I produce.
- My child requires food AND love. Love from a mother who loves herself.
- I am a caring mother, no matter if I breastfeed or feed my child formula from a bottle.
- I feel grateful for my village because with them I am able to provide my baby with nourishment. (In my case fruit from our garden, vegetables from the farmer’s market and goat milk formula from Australia.)
- Breastfeeding is a co-occupation* that requires we work together and if my child isn’t physically equipped (i.e.tongue tied) that’s not our fault.
- My child loves me and all of my fatty bits. He/she doesn’t care if I have stretch marks or a double chin.
- He/She is the child that I birthed through my body and I will love my inner child in the same way I love him/her.
- My breasts may not produce enough milk to sustain my child’s appetite but they can still comfort and console him. In the words of my bestie they are squishy pillows where he can hear my heartbeat
- My child will thrive through his/her vaccinations even without breast milk.
- I am worthy of the blessings that come with being a mother.
*In this case breastfeeding is an Activity of Daily Living (ADL) that Amma and baby both partake in which requires engagement by both parties and creates a beautiful emotional connection.
Great post!