A Letter to My Black Son

Dear Hakeem,

Your father and I put a lot of thought into bringing you into this world. We knew that raising a biracial baby would have its challenges but we felt like the world needed another lightworker to bring peace.  On days like this I feel like our actions were selfish because even during a pandemic Black people continue to be subjected to modern day lynchings. You are Black and you are Indian. You have melanin in your skin that gives it the most beautiful milk chocolate hue. I literally cannot stop squeezing your delicious, chunky little thighs.  

Unfortunately not everyone sees our skin the way we do. It scares some people because we live in a country where special interests have weaponized  the media and the system to create an image of Blackness that is not only untrue but also detrimental to our society. This has been done to instill fear into everyone not just White people. 

I know because I and many other South Asians have bought into the Model Minority Myth and fear of Blackness. When I picked your father up from the BART station on our first date he showed up with your Uncle Win. The thought popped into my mind that it might be dangerous to allow two black men I barely knew into my car. Your father did not bring Win because they wanted to assault me or steal my car, but because your father had soooo much respect for me as a Muslimah he  wanted to make sure we had a chaperone for our date at the Alameda County fair. He was protecting my image and respecting our religion.

 Your grandparents wouldn’t have been able to immigrate to this country in the 1960’s if it wasn’t for the civil rights movement. As a non Black WOC I have to recognize that I am a benefactor of  the advocacy of Black people. All minorites were brainwashed into believing that Black men are criminals. Your grandparents did a background check on your father (which came out clean) before I married him and they begged him not to marry me because they were afraid he would beat me and run off on me. The Model Minority Myth has helped perpetuate these stereotypes which are  not a true reflection of Blackness and definitely not a reflection of who we wish for you to become. 

We are blessed to be alive during  the Great Awakening… an elevation of consciousness across the planet. Non Black POC (including myself) and our White brothers and sisters are finally ready to  educate ourselves on the systemic injustices that have plagued the Black community for over a century.   

I want you to know that even though you are only 14 months old you are advocating for your  people. You are humanizing Black people every time I post  your picture on ig and  you make someone smile. You are  representing Black and Brown communities  in your Pottery Barn Kids ads. Most of all you are filling your Black father with pride and joy  which motivates him to advocate for you. He is  working hard to bring Black voices to the forefront and they will finally be heard. 

We love you and we can’t wait to see how you work to shape a more equitable world.

Love you mucho,
